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- Tell us a little about yourself
Check out my portfolio: maxjacobson.me
You know how people binge-watch Netflix? I binge-read Angular and Node docs. When i’m not spending my free time with my family, I am catching up on the latest technologies and improving my craft. I set challenging goals for myself including solving complex javascript problems on a daily basis, adding new content to my portfolio, and learning new and exciting technologies. I’m always eager to learn more, and I crave knowledge. I value developing and maintaining relationships and going above and beyond expectations for clients, co-workers and teammates. I pay attention to the details, work well in both team and individual settings, and can get things done. I strive to be happy and enjoy what I’m doing, but I’m always looking for ways to improve myself or to improve what I’m working on.
- Are you currently taking freelance projects?

CommonCreatives is a social working network™. We're dedicated to helping others create working relationships, get freelance work, learn and work together.