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- Tell us a little about yourself
My name is Jennifer Coppersmith and I have been a freelance art director and designer for 20+ years working from my studio in Salt Lake City, UT. Using Adobe Creative Suite software and Sketch, I create thoughtful concepts and engaging designs for my clients.
I received a Bachelor of Arts Degree with honors in Fine Art and French Language from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN. I also studied in Paris, France at the Institute of European Studies and in Athens, Greece at the University of Athens where I received a certificate of fluency in Advanced Greek Language studies.
My client list includes large and small advertising agencies and marketing companies, both for-profit and non-profit. Depending on your creative needs, I can work collaboratively with your team or handle a project entirely on my own, from initial concepts and design to final production.
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- Are you currently taking freelance projects?

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